Volunteer to be a Bridge Street Ambassador


August 2020—

This might just be the busiest summer the Mad River Valley’s trails and swimming holes have ever seen! If not, it’s pretty close. That’s why after listening to the concerns of local landowners who generously keep their land open to the public, we decided to help make sure visitors to outdoor public spaces have an occasional resource (in the form of a person we’re calling Path Ambassadors) for information during the busiest times of the day. For now, we’re focusing on the area south of Bridge Street (see map below) that is such a popular spot to go swimming, picnicking, relaxing, and walking. The ambassador program is a new initiative, so please give us feedback to make improvements.

The role of a Path Ambassador is to check in for 30 minutes or so during the time-slot for which you sign-up. You’ll communicate in a friendly manner with folks who might not be following dog rules, litter laws, or may be setting up a picnic outside of the public areas. Your role isn’t to be the police; you’re there to help remind and inform people of our town’s rules that will help ensure that others are having an enjoyable time and the land is respected. This is important for keeping private land open to the public.

Before signing up, please read the info below the map. If you have any questions, call MRP’s executive director, Ross Saxton, at (802) 383-8400. He’ll call you back if you reach voicemail and leave a message.

Below is a map of the area we’re asking you to check-in on. All but Lovett Park (the little grassed corner near the bridge) is owned privately and remains open to the public thanks to the landowners.

Bridge Street Area.png

Rules & laws to remind folks of:

  • Litter—the preference is that people take their rubbish with them. If it seems like someone is leaving trash behind, please remind them that they must take it with them. If space is available in the two trash cans near the port-a-potties, folks may deposit their trash there. If you want to, you can pick up litter and place it in the trash cans.

  • Dogs—by town law and MRP’s rules, ALL dogs must be kept on a leash and may not roam free. This is for everyone’s safety and enjoyment and helps prevent dog poop from being left. On that note, all dog poop must be picked up. Extra dog poop bags are provided for free by MRP from a dispenser near the kiosk.

  • When traveling through this area, we asks that folks stay on the Mad River Path and do not take shortcuts. Please remind people to use the Path if folks are cutting across the lawn around the Reign Vermont building.

Safety guidelines for you:

  • Wear a mask to help stay safer from the risk of COVID-19, especially when in close proximity to others.

  • Wear a bright orange or yellow safety vest to help people driving cars in the parking lot see you. People will also likely associate your bright vest with someone who can answer questions, and they are more likely to listen to you when sharing rules information.

  • Bring a folding chair to sit when not walking around. A good spot to set up your chair is near the small bridge between the river and the Reign Vermont building.

  • We do not expect this to happen, but if for some reason there is a conflict and someone becomes agitated, please walk away and do not engage in arguments or yelling.

  • If driving here, you can park in Bridge Street or in the main public lot.

  • Call MRP’s executive director, Ross Saxton, on his cell if anything comes up: (802) 383-8400