A new look for the Mad River Triathlon
We have an exciting triathlon update: we have an updated logo with new-and-improved beaver mascots! Big thanks to Kristen at Yellowwood Designs for our new graphics. Sign up for the triathlon today and you'll have the opportunity to add a t-shirt with our new logo. Top finishers in each category will also receive local Vermont maple syrup prizes!
Sponsor Spotlight: MadBush Falls
For hospitality during Triathlon weekend, look no further than Madbush Falls, conveniently located on Route 100 along the triathlon course! Madbush Falls has pledged to donate 50% of lodging proceeds that weekend to the Mad River Triathlon. We will also provide free shuttles to and from the start, finish, and transition locations. Book at madbushfalls.com/triathlon.
As a reminder - the triathlon is a fundraiser that will ultimately ensure sustainable access to outdoor recreation in the Valley. Thanks to MadBush Falls for helping us reach our goal.