From left to right: Jamie Fanning, Woody Dugan, Bob Popps, Susanne Lowen, Michael Duell, Amy Fanning, Lynne Boudreau, Misha Golfman
When my husband asked if I would like to go on a 5 day backcountry hut to hut ski trip in the Chic Choc mountains in Canada, hosted by the Mad River Path Association, I was intrigued and skeptical. We are nordic skiers; regulars at Ole’s and occasionally Craftsbury. Reading the trip description online, I learned we would ski an average of 10k per day, carry a 20+ lb. backpack and expect temperatures from zero to 25 degrees in (hopefully) lots of fresh powder. After a bit of hesitation, I agreed to go. I met our trip organizer, Misha Golfman, the Director of the Mad River Path, and discussed the details of the expedition. He asked if I had any questions and I said, “Can I do this?” He replied with an enthusiastic, “Yes!”
Darlene McCormick, did not make it into the group picture, she took it!
Soon afterward the trip planning emails began for our group which included seven people plus Misha and his wife, Lynne. A detailed packing list, itinerary and other useful information helped us prepare for our journey to Gaspesie National Park.
Bob and Amy crossing Lake Cascapedia on a snowy day.
Climbing up a stream bed, following a “winter highway” up into the mountains.
After much anticipation and a long, beautiful drive we arrived at the trailhead. Snow covered trees and views of mountain peaks kept us going for our first day of gradual uphill climbing. My pack was heavy but we took our time and stopped to rest occasionally. Finally, we enjoyed a long downhill, then arrived at our cozy log cabin by the frozen lake. It was serene. Light snow was falling as we went inside to survey what living would be like as we spent 2 nights here and 2 at another cabin.
A group shoulder massage at the end of a long day of skiing.
We were treated to healthy gourmet camp meals cooked by Misha on the woodstove. From burrito bowls to macaroni and cheese for dinner, to bacon, eggs, oatmeal and grits for breakfast. Each meal was a feast and fortified us for our long ski days.
The week progressed with many wild adventures and a range of weather conditions. The trails were spectacular and varied. We crossed lakes in the blowing snow, skied up a stream bed, through wooded areas, up and down hills (some steep), and constructed our own bridge over a raging stream. We witnessed a pink alpen glow before sunset at the end of one day and blowing snow seen with headlamps after dark on another day. The total mileage was 57k.
The group is building a bridge in order to cross an overflowing stream.
Our capable leader Misha and his compassionate wife, Lynne, offered the perfect balance to guide us through the trip. The group forged wonderful friendships as we lived in close proximity and shared the common experience of negotiating the trails each day.
Bushwalking through Boreal Forest.
Homemade fig bars snack on a cold day.
Playing games in the evening, listening to Misha play the guitar while some sang along, morning yoga and a class on carving a wooden spoon were unexpected pleasures that contributed to making this a trip none of us will ever forget.
Spending time in this magnificent Canadian wilderness restored my spirit. It turns out Misha was right. I did it!
Despite the challenging weather stretch we did hit some nice powder!