Envisioning a Connected Mad River Valley

Active Transportation Corridor Meeting Resources

Thank you again to our partners and community members who attended the public meeting last week for the Active Transportation Corridor. Big thanks also to Mad River Valley TV who covered the event and put together a video recap featuring interviews with attendees and committee members speaking about their questions and priorities for the corridor. 

Below you will find a Story Map interactive website with the content from the meeting. If you were not able to attend or want to review the information, please click through the button below to interact with the maps of the various segments.

MRPA receives $22,000 E-Bike grant

Mad River Path is proud to have received a Mobility and Transportation Innovations Grant from the Vermont Agency of Transportation. A $22,000 grant provides funding for research, design, and fabrication of three cargo e-bikes for the Wait House organizations. These bikes will allow for reduced greenhouse gas emissions and single-occupancy vehicle travel. It will also provide increased visibility of effective alternate transportation right in our community, hopefully inspiring others to make changes towards greener modes of travel. Thank you to VTrans for their ongoing support.

Please welcome Sarah Johnson, our new Communications Specialist! Sarah is a Montpelier resident with connections in the Mad River Valley through her work at Yestermorrow Design/Build School. Sarah works in marketing, communications, and outreach for nonprofits, and in her free time can be found running, hiking, or knitting.