Mad River Path adopts an INCLUSION STATEMENT:
Mad River Path honors the Abenaki people, as the traditional stewards of the lands through which the Path runs. We acknowledge that we are guests on this land and that we must respect the land and protect it for future generations. We strive to create an inclusive trail community that is welcoming for people regardless of race, nationality, gender, religion, socio-economic status, or sexual orientation and commit to supporting participation from historically excluded groups. Think there are things we could do better? Let us know! Contact us at
VOREC Grant is Signed!
Thanks to the effective collaboration and tenacious perseverance of the Rec District, Mad River Riders, and the Path the VOREC grant is finally signed! The Path will be able to complete its portion of the work on the Rec Hub - downtown connector through Fiddlers Green and Irasville Common in the fall of 2023.
Valley Partners receive the Sugarbush Access Road Path Grant.
A team of partners, consisting of Town of Warren, Sugarbush Resort, the Mad River Path Association, the Central VT Regional Planning Commission, and the Mad River Valley Planning District has won the $769,280 in federal funds from the VTrans Bicycle & Pedestrian Grant Program, for final design and construction of Segment 1 of the ten-foot-wide ADA-Accessible Sugarbush Access Road Shared-Use Path, establishing a 0.7-mile-long (3,636 ft) off-road pedestrian connection from Inferno Road to Golf Course Road in Warren. Among its many benefits, the path will connect Sugarbush’s workforce housing with the mountain, providing a safe way to get to and from work for the 240 seasonal workers.
Mad River Path forms an Advisory board
The newly formed MRP Advisory Board is comprised of professionals who advise the executive director and the board of trustees in the areas of their expertise including fundraising, legal, regulatory, and land easements. To date, the advisory board has welcomed four members: Betsy Jondro, Laura Brines, Liza Walker, and Will Flender.
beavers flood spaulding greenway
This summer beavers flooded a significant portion of Spaulding Greenway, creating a new wetland and helping to hold water in the landscape, an important natural flood mitigation measure!
We have reached out to Vermont Land Trust and Friends of the Mad River to explore the possibility of allowing the beavers to stay. At the moment, the Spaulding Greenway is maintained from both directions, terminating at the newly formed wetland. If you like to go all the way around, you can wade through, it is only knee-deep!
Kingsbury Farm Bridge Flood Damage
The pedestrian and farm bridge on Kingsbury Farm Path was damaged in the flood. Joe Bossen, the owner of Cloud Water Farm is planning the abutment repair (this bridge is shared between farm machinery and the path users). We have made temporary repairs, complete with a plank and a safety rope, please travel single file!
bundy road connector
Working together with the Mad River Riders, the Path is helping a newly opened Mad Bush Falls to build a bike connector to Bundy Road for the purpose of diverting the bike traffic away from the main entrance and giving entering and exiting cyclists a clear line of sight in both directions on Rt 100.
dog park
Thanks to the outstanding efforts by Charlie Hosford of Mad River Path and Gene Scaperotta, the Mad River Dog Park is nearing its completion!
Last June, Harwood Students cleared and signed the Yestermorrow loop.
Thank you to the volunteer stewards for your work on maintaining the Mad River Path and to community members for taking the time to contact us about trail repairs and maintenance!
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