After a summer of several hot days in the sun, staff, volunteers, and board members completed the Carroll boardwalk! This new section of Path provides the community with a safe walkway along Carroll Road that is separated from vehicle traffic. This new section connects the Route 100 sidewalk to the Hosford Highway Boardwalk that travels from Carroll Road to the Skatium through a very neat wetland. The new boardwalk allows for easy pedestrian and biker access to the Big Pic Theater and Lawson’s, or to travel between Irasville and Waitsfield Village. The boardwalk also serves as a great observation site for birds using the nearby pond.
This project was is the result of true community collaboration. With MRP coordinating the project, dozens of individuals and businesses donated to help build it. Lawson’s Finest Liquids dedicated thousands of dollars for the site work and more while their staff helped with construction throughout the summer. Kingsbury Construction did much of the site work, Allen Lumber supplied the materials (thanks for the discount!), and Mad River Metal Works fabricated and installed the custom railing inserts.
With another Path section in the books, we’re already working on more connections and new sections!