Twenty-four and one-half years? The Mad Dash was prepared for a 25th anniversary celebration; then the pandemic hit and the event landscape was turned upside down. Facing the uncertainty and possible cancellation, the Mad Dash chose to persevere and host its’ first virtual event, saving the 25th anniversary of the Mad Dash for 2021. For the past twenty-four years, runners and walkers alike have enjoyed participating in the area’s largest 10K/5K Run/Walk; benefiting the Mad River Path Association. While our annual physical get-together is not possible, participating by running (or walking) on your own will still take place.
The Mad Dash normally takes place over Columbus Day Weekend and hosts more than 500 participants. As a virtual event, participants can pick and choose a convenient day and time to run or walk a 5k or 10k. If you need a measured course come run on our new course at Harwood Union High School. Laid out on the trails used by their cross country team, the course winds through scenic wooded areas that is marked and measured. Just drop by on your own or bring friends and family, start your timing and enter the information on the Mad Dash website. Remember to social distance and wear masks when around others on the Harwood Union property.
Registration is only $25 and participants can help raise additional funds for the Mad River Path Association. With this summer’s lockdown, the Mad River Path’s many trails have become a very popular great escape to the outdoors. The added traffic is wonderful but also requires additional staff time and maintenance which is why we ask for your support. Along with registration, Mad Dash shirts and Mad River Path hats are available as well.
The Mad River Valley, along with the Mad Dash, is a continuous backdrop for all kinds of adventure and things to do in Vermont. Fall in the Valley is one of the most beautiful times of year and brings the majestic colors as trees turn vibrant shades of yellow, orange, and red during peak foliage season. If you live in the Mad River Valley, just visiting or out-of-state but have enjoyed our beautiful location, take the time to register and “compete” in the 24 ½ Mad Dash; joining hundreds of other that take advantage of the wonderful local path system.
For registration and event information, go to: