The Mad River Path is looking for volunteer ambassadors to check-in along the path south of Waitsfield’s Bridge Street this summer. Volunteers sign up for 30 minute slots and provide info to folks visiting the path, river, beach, and picnic areas while helping to inform folks about the rules around litter, dogs, and enjoying the land with little impact. In the spot south of Bridge Street, all is private land (except for Lovett Park near Bridge Street) where the landowners generously allow public access. With outdoor public access areas seeing perhaps the highest number of visitors ever, these spots are experiencing more strain than usual. The outcome we hope to achieve with the ambassador program is less strain on the path and surrounding private lands, which is a big help for the landowners.
For more information and to sign-up for one or more time-slots, visit or email MRP Executive Director, Ross Saxton, at
A zoom presentation with Q&A will be held the week of August 17—keep an eye on MRP’s social media and in an email (sign up for emails on the home page) for when and how to join.
South of the Waitsfield Covered Bridge on a Tuesday early afternoon this summer.